Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 10 April 2014

Hotel Quite Acceptable Seattle KC


Hotel Quite Acceptable, Seattle.


KC NightWorld adventures of customary frustration: our debut performance, in England. Soundscapes began at 20.00, and no other Crims joined me. Eventually, I left the stage to discover that the performance was scheduled to begin at 22.30. Time for the audience to leave so we could have a soundcheck. This had its own problems as audients were now onstage, making the performance space their own. And what set-list? No-one had a set-list. Greg Lake presented his suggestion. I sat down to consider options and alternatives, more of a concern because the material hadn’t been rehearsed and I didn’t know my parts. An A&R person from the past, a nominal friend of one of the other players, sat down and began discussing occult influences on rock in earlier years. Fripp: I’ll do this (ie prepare) somewhere else – at which point the A&R man took the hint and left.

At 05.46 in DayWorld there was little point in attempting to settle after these continuing shocks to the system, especially with the alarm set for 06.00.

Computing, e-flurrying, practising…


10.38    A breakfast date with the Minx at 09.00 in an establishment over the road. We sat at a window-table that was exceptionally quiet, with no-one else nearby. It transpired that the restaurant area reserved for breakfasting was in another part of the room, but the staff were too polite to insist we move there.

Back to the hotel…


On the DGM Guestbook…

Robert's diaries:: Posted by andyfromozz on April 09, 2014
I was chatting with a mate recently about the DGM site and in particular Robert’s diaries, we both are very great admirers of Robert and his music, especially KC of course! But we were laughing because we both agreed that reading the diaries is like watching Days Of Our Lives (or insert any appropriate long running soapie here!)You can come back after a long absence and find that things are the same as the last time. 

Dear Robert, this isn’t a personal attack on you by any means, you can write what you want! But the reason why I only visit here once in a while instead of regularly like I used to, is because I find the diaries a little frustrating. It’s just the same stuff over and over with lot’s of detail about tasty cakes, fine antiques, or what book you are reading, or how much time you are spending (or not) with Wilifred or the wife...As I said it’s your diary, but all that familiar day to day detail get’s a bit old. I’d love to hear a bit more detail about the musicking, for one example, you "caught up with John Wetton for lunch and you shared road warrior stories"...ok that’s interesting, but can you give us an example of such a story? Otherwise it’s a bit of a tease! or, when you rehearse with Jakko, what goes on there? Maybe a bit more about how you work things out for the songs, what song’s don’t work or do, etc. I do love the pics of your garden, being a keen gardener myself, but sometimes instead of more pics of your hometown and the cakes therein, could you share some more KC or other behind the scenes info that isn’t too personal? Quite rightly you may say, "sod off you aussie git" but I hope you aren’t offended by my comments, I mean no offence!

No offence taken.

Several brief comments: after 42 years on the road, the possibility of the same stuff over and over in my external life is close to Paradise. A small aim in life is to look out of the same window every day for one year, to see the gradual change of Seasons. I can’t remember the last time I had this: probably not since leaving Wimborne for London in 1967. Work-life has taken priority over personal-life perhaps until February-March 2012, when I recognised that my basic condition was happy (to put it very simply). Rather than a difficult and rich life, sustained by Points Of Seeing made available by the structure and conditions of my life, and times of joy. Happy I attribute to retiring from live performance on 4th. December 2010.

Available time for diarising and detailed commentary on matters Crim (which may well not be of much interest to other than a mature male with more-hair-on-their-face than the top-of-their-head) has been severely constrained by six years of dispute with the Universal Music Group, the Non-Industrial Dispute for over two years, responsibilities to Crafties and various other good people regularly seeking advice, personal responsibilities (including WillyFred’s portion of adoration, the Minx liking to have evening-walks with her husband) – and practising guitar.

Re: Robert's Diary:: Posted by Valhalla on April 10, 2014
… I rather enjoy the Fripp’s ’days of their lives’ stories! The only section of his diary that I don’t read, is the guitar craft/circle comments, & that is only because I cannot relate to it, so I don’t read it! Well obviously I have to read a little bit of it at times to see what was is going down, but then I no longer continue!

Probably the most “useful” part of the Diary is Guitar Circle commentaries IMO. The magic that visited Crimson in its earlier years moved into Guitar Craft, and now the Guitar Circle. GC is not part of popular culture, nor does much of its work take place in public. But some of it does.

Practising. Now to more practising.

16.57    On the street to load into the Biff Mobile I…


… for 11.30. To Don Gunn’s studio I…




… which Don has kindly made available to us for firing up the Solar Voyager I…




… not all of which quite fired.

On this trip, Biff has moved all my equipment from the BiffStore in Madison to the BillStore in Seattle. Among the stuff is my shoulder bag from the early 1970s…


This would have been with me on many, if not all, of the shows featured on The Road To Red. Following the collapse of EG in 1991, and EG’s failure to pay rental on the EG Store in NYC, I was able to intervene in time before the contents were disposed of by the facility. This included Billy B drums, guitars and amps. Eventually, things went to storage in Nashville, then to Madison, now to Seattle.

Inside: a custom Fernandes 7-string…


Crimson trivia enough. Biff returned me to the hotel c. 16.00…


… before returning to fine-tune the SV.

Computing and now to practising.

18.56    T is back from rehearsing with The Humans.

22.12    A Wann’s Humanising Event at 19.30…


A very good, gentle and sociable evening. T is gentled down, now to practising.


22.56    Done.

